You wouldn’t believe how tired I am. The past two nights I’ve only had about 4 hours of sleep each. Tuesday night I was working on my Pygmies speech that me, Steve, and Alyson presented yesterday morning. It became one of those last minute things and I wrote the entire thing the night before. We all met in the library yesterday morning though, a half hour being giving the presentation, put our notes together, figured out the order of what we would speak in and what not, and somehow the speech turned out great! We met our 15-minute requirement easily, almost going over. Personally, I think the entire speech was pure crap, but the Prof. acted so interested. Even when she asked us questions at the end of the presentation, I managed to, as well as my group members, to pull out some decent answers. I don’t know where it was all coming from! I’m so glad it went ok; I was really stressed about it because with other projects I’ve been working on, I just didn’t have much time to focus on it.
Then there was last night… I’m such an idiot. With all of the other speeches I’ve gave this semester and case studies etc, I never set time apart for my big English final paper, which was an argument synthesis. My topic was why Celebrities should not use their status as a means to try and express anti-war protest. I started it last night at 11, after Wendy’s… worked on the paper till 3 am… had it almost done, but was literally falling asleep at my computer. So I went to bed, set my alarm for 7 and finally got my self out of bed by 7:45… I jumped in the shower, and drank some water and stuffed down a granola bar, and finished the paper. I had everything done but the works cited page. It was about 7 pages, so I think it met the length requirements. I leave my house at a quarter till 9… so I was obviously about 15 minutes late to class. After arriving I finished the works cited, did my student evaluation of my own paper, which was hilarious! We were supposed to write on our final paper, and comment on things, so the professor could better analyze our paper.. I wrote ALL over my paper, with all these stupid comments trying to make out like this was the best paper I have ever wrote. Honestly the paper was crap.. But It was good crap.. I’ll probably get an A or a B.
So that’s two of the hardest projects done for this term. The only project I have left is my speech tomorrow with Randy about Japanese Business Etiquette. It’s a hands on speech, where I have to get the class to participate. This speech will be the grade for our final. Randy and me met today and figured out most of it, but I have a lot I need to work on with it tonight, because it’s really shaky right now.
Hopefully it will go ok. I plan to dress up tomorrow, tie and all, since it is our final presentation. She’s not really stressing wearing nice clothes anymore, but I kind of want to, because maybe it will help with my grade, and it is my last speech I’ll be giving in a long time. After this speech, I will be DONE except for a few multiple choice no-brainer finals next week. You do NOT know how excited I am.
Next week my schedule will be the following:
Monday – I don’t have school on Monday, however I have to come after I work, because I have to turn in a lab final due at 8 PM that night.
Tuesday – I’m done with English, so I only have to show up for my Management and BIS 150 finals. Peace of cake.
Wed – Sociology Final, I need to get a decent grade on this. Afterwards I have to go to Speech on Wed, even though we normally don’t hold class on this day. More people will be giving their final presentations and if I don’t go, my grade on my presentation will be lowered.
Thursday and Friday I DO NOT have to go to school and my break will begin!!! Spring Semester will be Officially over for me!!!
All right, I’m sick of writing, and you are sick of reading, so I’m going to wrap this up. On my break for the first four or so days on June, 22nd, I’m going to Georgia then North Carolina… After that I’m sleeping and hanging out with friends none stop until I have to go back for Summer Semester on July 14th.. Two days before I turn 20.. Man I’m getting old. In a week or two I’m buying my new laptop. I think I’m getting the Dell Ispiron 5100, it’s down under a thousand so I’m really excited.
Till next time.