Unless some other crazy offer comes along real fast, in two weeks I will be ending my 4 and a half year run at my first job, Wendy’s! I have been waiting for years for the opportunity to write in this journal that the day had finally come.. and it’s finally almost here! Though I will be taking employment with a company that I didn’t originally expect to see myself with, I am excited as the pay will be great as well as the benefits. The job, as I have mentioned in previous entries, is the Steak n Shake Company. And yes, this is a real job so don’t even think about giving me a hard time. I will be entering the Manager in training program (MIT) on Wednesday Dec. 14th. For the first time the thought of finally having a chance to move out of my parents house doesn’t seem so impossible. First I would like to pay off my credit card debt.. But hopefully with securing this new job before Christmas, I can at least afford some nicer Christmas gifts this year. What a great present this will be. Yeah it’s food, and yeah I never thought I’d get into being a manager at such an establishment, but everything happens for a reason so I’m just going to flow with it and see where it takes me.
As for things at home, Carrie and Jacob are gone and back in El Paso, TX. It was a long holiday weekend for me and I’m really tired from it all. I’m just really glad that I’m feeling better finally from the viral infection I had. Besides the holidays, after work today I went over to Ryan’s and played Settlers with him and Bobby. Good times. So all in all things are good here.
However…. now is a time to keep your prayers with Megan Mcclurg and her family. I’ve heard that her dad has died after having a serious stroke this past Friday. Megan, you are in my prayers, I love you!