Quoting above my favorite song of this period of my life by Jimmy Eat World. I need to reburn that disc off Bobby’s computer. I was listening to that song yesterday and it’s now skipping. Though I really like the entire album Futures, so maybe I’ll actually just buy it. The other albums are just so so to me.. but Futures is awesome! I’m having another night where it’s really late and I can’t sleep. Got so much on my mind and trying to sort it all out. Not really bad things either. Mostly the job issue. My parents are hardcore on my ass about it right now, and it’s stressing me out. I think I do need to get my priorities straight, it’s just really hard. I want a new job, but I get caught up in so much of my other aspects of life, I think it gets pushed on the back burner. The only reason I need a new job is if I want to move out, and I don’t intend on doing so, or wanting to rather until the summer. I say that and I know it’s silly because summer is almost here Scott. Oh me, what am I do to do with myself?
I did work today but ended up over at the other store on Gender Road and worked with Candace today. That was pretty awesome because I haven’t really got to work with her in almost a year, so it was fun to pick on her and throw out some of my old usual antics I used to get away with when she was my manager back at Waterloo. I told her if she ever needs help to let me know, simply because her stores only a few miles down the road where I work and I’d much rather work with her anyway than Mike. So that was a fun work day this afternoon. Moving forward to the events tonight I hung out tonight at the coffee shop with Stephanie and a bunch of other fine folks. We played Rummy, talked, relaxed.. you know the typical coffee shop stuff. Before then I also hung out briefly with Josh. Moving on to tomorrow I have no clue what I’m doing. I’m off and I have nothing to do, I think I’m going to try to get out of bed at 8 am, long enough to send Ryan a text message to remind him that I’m free for the day if he needs anybody to hang out with because I’m going to be extremely bored.
And with the website, E3 is coming up in May in Los Angeles again. Sadly, I don’t know if I’m going to be getting a pass or going this year. I want to, we’ll just have to see. If I’m going I need to start thinking about how I’m going to afford airfare and the hotel again, being that I now don’t have much money income. As for other things in my life non work, social, or web related.. I’m still in the phase of life where I’m trying to figure things out. But I got a smile on my face, and I’m doing ok. I do have a lot of things I should be thankful for, because even with some trails I face, my life doesn’t actually suck, and things are better than they were a month ago.
Well that’s it, soon I will buy a stranger a meal. Thanks Jones.