Alright, I apologize for the cheap subject from probably an annoying song. But I heard it on the radio like all day and I somewhat like it. I haven’t “blogged” in a few days as I’ve just been really busy working among other things. I’d like to thank everyone for their offerings of help for me during the last week or so while I was kicked out of my house. I’ve been really bad at replying to those MySpace messages so I’ll just go on record on here I guess. Steve, thank you for offering a place to stay.. I’m set now, but we should definitely set up a time that we can hang out. I haven’t seen you in well over a year and its been long overdue! Michele, thanks for your kind words… I’m doing alright. I do plan on getting my Masters, but I’m just not ready to jump into it quite yet. If I don’t find something soon enough though.. it’s definitely a possibility sooner than later.
As for me, I’m just thankful for so much lately. I’m no longer staying at Nic and Emily’s as they are back from their honeymoon. My parents finally let me come back this week, so I would have a place to stay between now and when I move into my new apartment. I’m really excited about this move simply because half the reason this is even happening is because of the love of all of my friends who didn’t want me to move to Georgia. I was pretty close to just packing my bags and going there this weekend, hadn’t Bobby Drodofsky, Ryan Patenaude, and David Rotch decided that it met this must be time we finally move out together. We had contemplated the idea for months, but never went through with it. So in a weird way.. even though I’m not very happy with my parents right now, I’m still glad it happened. Everything happens for a reason, and I think this was the extra push all of us needed to finally get a place together. It’s going to be difficult but my job says they will make sure I get enough hours and with nearly working full time now and even overtime, I think I’ll be fine for the time being. So this is it.. this is my last week staying at this home, and in a way I’m kind of sad. More excited though. However, it is a weird feeling that I won’t get to spend time here in my room alone anymore. My bed will be moved, so even when I do come to visit I won’t be able to sleep in it here and that will be strange..
In other news.. time with all of my new friends I’m making at Newlife has been great. I went to a fun party at Jess Craigo’s last week and I feel I’m getting closer with people in the Bible study group. They are all so awesome.. and I’m so glad they are in my life. As for other things in my life.. looking for work, while I keep busy with my online life at Mortal Kombat Online. We are working on a special project right now with all of the other fan sites and hope to have that out the door later this week. Oh, and I think I’m hanging out with the wonderful Shelly Grey this weekend!
Behemoths are not crocodiles..