It was a nice weekend. Nothing really special happened compared to any other normal weekend I guess, but I’m ending this one feeling pretty good. Friday I hung out with Josh on Friday night.. heh had an interesting “time” at Burger King that kind of up-ed my confidence level even though nothing came out of it. Saturday I went to the movies with Bobby and Josh and they hung out at my place because my parents were at my dad’s Class reunion. And tonight, I hung out mostly with Nic and Bobby and went back to Burger King, with no luck.
Let’s just skip the school subject, let’s just say it was busy last week, but I got through it.
MK5.ORG.. Well I’m saving my money for my trip to Los Angeles next May. It’s going to kill me. I was trying to put every other check aside for it I get from work, but I don’t know if that’s going to cut it, I had to use E3 money just to get through this weekend, and to get gas. I’m finding out I never have enough money to enjoy myself other then getting food. I’m paying off my laptop and my cell phone, and with gas and insurance and books for school every semester, I don’t have enough to go out and buy DVDs and games like Josh, heh. I don’t know how much longer this Wendy’s thing is really going to work for me. Oh I can’t wait till after I graduate and have lots of money 🙂
Lish surprised me with a visit a couple nights ago around 12:30, when I thought she’d be in Bowling Green, she was here for a surprise party for Tiffany.
Well, I’ve ran out of things to say.. tomorrow I’m getting my check before class and before I go to work tomorrow night, because.. I’m broke, again. Later.