We Arrived!

After many hours in the air, waiting in the airport, and riding in the back of a car with strangers, Scott and I are finally safe and sound in our apartment in Kiev. Our jet lag isn’t too terrible, but we are definitely ready for bed now at 10:00 pm!

While traveling, we met two other families from the US that have the same appointment date as we do.  It’s reassuring to know that there are other Americans here in the city who are as clueless as we are! Apparently there are other couples further along in their adoption process and they are meeting for dinner tomorrow night at TGI Fridays. We are planning on tagging along.

Tonight we went grocery shopping and exchanged some money. Tomorrow we plan on being a little bit more adventurous while here in the city. Also, if we get time we’ll try to elaborate more on this long exhausting day. I’ll leave you with a few of our travel pictures and a traffic lesson from Kiev:

[flv:/blogvids/kiev-traffic.flv 470 310]

3 responses to “We Arrived!”

  1. Family & Friends Avatar
    Family & Friends

    Do glad you arrived safely! Oh, so you have learned about crazy Ukrainian driving! We prayed lots in the back seat! 🙂
    Mother Russia is a must see in Kiev! There are also many beautiful churches!

    The Layne’s

  2. Family & Friends Avatar
    Family & Friends

    Wonder if they call chicken Kiev, just chicken over there!

  3. Family & Friends Avatar
    Family & Friends

    The traffic is crazy !!!! Enjoyed the pictures and video …. You two take care of each other,know that we love you both, God Bless. Mom and Dad