Going to bed at say 2 am, that is. I mean seriously, I can’t even get myself up in the morning. Had class at 1 PM today.. set my alarm for 8, and pulled my self out of bed by a quarter till noon. It’s an ongoing cycle with me lately. I’m going to have a busy term, and considering this is the term I’ll be missing three days to go to LA, I need to get up early enough so I can get some stuff done in the morning hours. For instance, MK Online needs a lot of work to be ready by May for the E3 trip, and I could really use those morning hours to get stuff done. So, if you see me on at 2 am this morning, or any morning for that matter.. yell at me and tell me to get some sleep. (Unless I’m doing homework or something). I really hope the week I leave in May I’m not going to have any major tests, there’s no makeup, but luckily lowest test scores usually drops.. But I’ve always liked that in case I just did miserably on a test anyway. Now I have to ace all my tests in case I have to miss a test and get a zero, which will be my drop. I’m really worried about that in my networking class. In Networking I will miss all of those classes for the week, and I will somehow have to make up a lab. Not fun.
I kind of like Wednesdays.. Get home by 3:30. have a little break till 6 when I go to work. I’ll probably start working at 5 though, because I need as much hours as they can give me. Sadly, I’ll miss American Idol on Wed. Nights, so I’ll have to tape it. Heh. Well I’m watching some TV, so I’ll catch up here more later.