Category: Life in General

  • The Fellowship.

    Tonight was week four in the “fellowship” bible study at Bobby’s. This time around it was myself, Nic, Emily, Bobby, Ryan, Stephanie, and David. I really don’t have much I want to write down about today, but rather I want to remember tonight as it was a really good discussion, especially the last 20 minutes….

  • Get excited over nothing?

    I’m going to steal only part of a survey from D’ArqueBishop, as I’m too lazy to fill out the rest. Also for the fact that I have other things to talk about, and I don’t have five livejournal friends to pass the survey onto like it asked. Anyway, the first two questions are as followed: What…

  • The way things are. The way I wish things were.

    I’m not even sure how to being this entry. It’s going to be a long one, detailed at that. I’ve always been comfortable with just posting my genuine routine on here, all the good things of coarse. Where I’ve been, what I’m doing, and where I want to go. And as I keep at this…

  • I’m only a man with a dream.

    WHY?? Oh, and Happy New Year..

  • In Sight it must be Right, right?

    Well today was my first official day at Steak n Shake and I completed my orientation. I filled out so much paperwork and still have so much to continue to fill out it’s making my head hurt. But it wasn’t that bad. The Steak n Shake division office in Gahanna aint all that bad, and…

  • I have the best friends, ever!

    Well, turns out tonight was an even better day than expected. As I’ve made clear in past entries, Thursday was my last day at Wendy’s after my four and half or so year run. Well tonight, some of my closest friends threw me a surprise party to congratulate me on that, and on the fact…

  • Ohio winter has arrived..

    Today wasn’t so bad, but last night I think I was lucky to get home at all. Everyone and myself played a game of Settlers over at Nic’s on Saturday night, which I happily won. However, during the game freezing rain was starting and by the time the game ended Nic’s parking lot area was…

  • So Long Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers!

    Unless some other crazy offer comes along real fast, in two weeks I will be ending my 4 and a half year run at my first job, Wendy’s! I have been waiting for years for the opportunity to write in this journal that the day had finally come.. and it’s finally almost here! Though I…

  • Looks like a Change of Plans….

    Well, turns out I didn’t end up going to North Carolina after all. Carrie woke up early this morning and was very sick out of nowhere, so the over night trip to North Carolina was canceled. Just don’t tell my work. However, now I think Carrie and myself are driving halfway somewhere in West Virginia…

  • Black, Cold, Friday…

    It’s the day after Thanksgiving and Carrie and my three nephews and niece (Cole, Chloe, Jared, and Jacob) are all here spending the holiday over at the Howell household. We just got back from some old house in Lancaster that was doing special activities like coloring, finger puppets, caricatures, and Santa Claus. All for the…