Category: Life in General
I’m sick!
Thanks a lot Bobby and Ryan!!! 😛 Time for sleep soon.
Halloween approaching..
I guess you can say I’ve been busy the last few days since my last post. I’ll start with today and work my way back. Today I had the day off which now is the norm at Wendy’s. I used to always work the weekend, however they started scheduling me Monday through Friday. It’s actually, for…
The Yellow Umbrella Tour
I went to the Yellow Umbrella Tour with Bobby tonight at Little Brothers in Columbus. I finally got to see and hear in person who Bobby has been going on about for so long, which is Duncan Sheik. It was a great concert, though late. It was one of the best concerts I’ve been to…
Coming to you LIVE from Bobby’s
Ok, that was a little dumb. I admit. Bobby’s writing a novel over here next to me on his MySpace, but I’m going to keep tonight’s update pretty short and simple. Last night, I did end up staying home. Nic invited me over to Emily’s apartment for Kirsten’s send off to Europe for two months….
That ladybug is started to piss me off.
Today has been so unproductive, I’m not even going to talk about it. Let’s skip to yesterday. I worked, it sucked, and I went home really early. I am so sick, so.. so.. sick of working at Wendy’s. It just won’t go away, it’s always there like my own personal hell. Quite frustrating. I want…
Just a Typical Monday..
Today was nothing of the unusual. I worked.. I delivered a spoon to my District Manager.. and that’s about it. I also applied for some new jobs. That’s all I’ve pretty much been doing lately. Applying for new jobs online and such. D’Arque Bishop informed me today that we’ll be getting a second server for…
That’s gonna hurt tomorrow.
I really didn’t go anywhere or do anything special this weekend. Earlier tonight Bobby came over though and he showed me some good workouts. I’ve decided that it is time I started exercising and work on those arms of mine. It’s probably something I should have done a long time ago, but during school I…
D’Arque Bishop Interviews Me..
Here are the rules: 1 — Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed. 2 — I will respond; I’ll ask you five questions. 3 — You’ll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers. 4 — You’ll include this explanation. 5 — You’ll ask other people five questions when they…
Buckeyes 35, Spartans 24
Today was the first day off work in almost a week. It’s been a tough week, and I’m very happy to have this weekend off. As is coming the norm, I haven’t posted in awhile. To catch things up should be fairly easy. Since my last post I’ve got back from Los Angeles where I…
Bobby hit me really hard with a controller tonight! Ouch! heh