Category: Life in General

  • No, I’m sick of talking about DeVry too.

    Today was the second day of classes this term. I think I’m really going to love this trimester compared to the last one, if that’s even possible. 3 of the 4 professors I’ve already had at one point. The only new guy I have is Prof. Preissle, and he seems pretty cool. That class is…

  • My new ride!!!

    Today unexpectedly, I got a new car!!! My ’94 Grand Am has been giving me nothing but trouble, so I was going to be getting a new car in a year and a half when I graduate anyway. Soon I’ll be selling my Grand Am. But yeah, I got a new car! 🙂 It’s a…

  • Go rent this movie called Repli-Kate

    Oh Goodness. What a week this hasn’t been. 🙂 I’ve been wanting to write, because the past week was one of my few weekly breaks from school after the finish of the term. However, last Monday I got my wisdom teeth removed and until about last night on Halloween, I was miserable! As I told…

  • Let the good times roll.

    It’s a pretty busy time right now. When we last left off I was mentioning my trip to BGSU. That was awhile go, but it was a lot of fun. Right now.. I’ve just finished the term minus four finals I have this week. Like always, things seemed to come together and I got all…

  • Anybody else notice the cold weather?

    I have about three weeks left in this summer term. As is very obvious, I haven’t been writing near as much about my daily school routine because for one, I don’t have time. It’s been extremely busy. Doing ok… Not so well in Accounting, but I still got a big test and a final to…

  • 2nd Anniversary of Terrorists attacks on U.S.

    Hey everyone. It doesn’t seem that this second anniversary made as big of a deal as last, but it’s still an important day to remember. I didn’t have a journal on September 11th, 2001 or 2002 yet, so I’d like to just put down my experience of that day in history. It’s nothing special really,…

  • A Nice Weekend

    It was a nice weekend. Nothing really special happened compared to any other normal weekend I guess, but I’m ending this one feeling pretty good. Friday I hung out with Josh on Friday night.. heh had an interesting “time” at Burger King that kind of up-ed my confidence level even though nothing came out of…

  • One more month…

    I’m done with the semester sometime in October. Totally can’t wait. My grades won’t be near as good as last time, but still deceant. It’s summer so what do you expect? As each day goes on I’m getting more burntout, but I think the worst is over minus finals next month. I really need to…

  • 🙂

    Ok, all better.