Category: Life in General

  • Georgia was on my mind..

    Hey, ok I tried to pull myself away from this computer as long as I could, but it finally pulled me in. I’m still on that vacation of mine. Right now I’m in Fort Bragg, North Carolina visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and my nephews and niece. But before I get to that, let me just…

  • Finals week nearing an end……

    You haven’t heard from me much because it is that dreaded time of the semester for me called finals… Actually so far.. with the two I’ve took.. I think I’m doing ok. A senior friend, Jason, sent me his study guide outline he made up for the final for Management. He took the test early…

  • Another Friday flies by.

    Today was my last real stressfull day of the semester. Gave a speech, it sucked, but who cares at this point. Also stayed till almost 5 again doing Access Labs. That’s a major pain in the butt. I have one more lab, but it’s for our final and it’s due on Monday at 8 PM…..

  • I can almost smell my break..

    You wouldn’t believe how tired I am. The past two nights I’ve only had about 4 hours of sleep each. Tuesday night I was working on my Pygmies speech that me, Steve, and Alyson presented yesterday morning. It became one of those last minute things and I wrote the entire thing the night before. We…

  • Today was full of surprises..

    It’s a rather personal issue, so I don’t want to get into it here, but I found out something tonight, family related, that shocked me! It’s nothing bad, don’t worry, just something I never knew. One of those secrets people wait years and years to tell you, until they feel it is the right time….

  • Journal 2.0… Heh..

    Today was spent doing absolutely nothing productive.. Since I have tomorrow off, I couldn’t get myself to do anything.. I did work though.. Most of the fun was last night.. The typical, go to Nic’s house routine happened, and it was myself, Josh, and Bobby. We talked about the craziest things from ghosts to how…

  • Life goes on…..

    Hey everyone! I know it’s been quite a few days since the last update, here’s what’s going on in my life. First, like always is school. You’re probably getting sick of me talking about it, because most of you are on your summer break. Well it’s going ok.. Honestly at this point I can say…

  • Typical Monday..

    I’m going to make this brief because I really should go to bed early. I really don’t want another repeat of last week. I think this week will be better.. Here’s hoping :-). Highlights of the weekend include yesterday when after Nic and me went fishing, we went to Eric’s and shot an AK-47. Yes…

  • I’m still here.

    Hey guys.. updates have been kind of sporadic lately, I know.. Getting closer and closer to my small summer break and things are just really intense at school right now. Today was just miserable as far as school is concerned, just a really really busy day. I’ve had little sleep for the past few days…..

  • It’s Memorial Day.

    As you go through life, some of the questions that you face almost all the time is “Who am I?” and “What am I going to be?”. Your entire life journey is trying to find yourself. I used to think I’d never find out who I was and what my purpose is, I used to…